From: InfoWorld Letters
To: Y2kBugxp90
Date: Jun 16, 2006 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: Thank you for supporting Mac tinkerers.
We enjoyed your letter (below) -- and we are interested in publishing it in InfoWorld.
If you would like to grant us permission, please reply to this e-mail (preserving the history) and include your city and state for the letter's attribution. Your e-mail address will not appear in print. Should your letter appear in the magazine, please note that it may be edited for length or clarity.
Looking forward to your reply,
Alec C. Wagner
Deputy Managing Editor
On 6/14/06 1:19 PM, "Y2kBugxp90" wrote:
Although I myself am not the type to recomplie Darwin, I most certainly sympathize with those who want to do something new with it. Your article hits the nail on the head, and exposes the commercialization of Apple's formerly liberal policies. Hopefully Google will continue to support open source, too.
Nifty, eh? OK, maybe not a big deal, but I've always wanted to make some sort of public stand for open source. If you're wondering, my letter was in response to this article.