My sister has a yoga-pants fetish. She attends yoga classes weekly and excercises nearly daliy, but in order to maintain this ritual, she requires a constant supply of yoga pants. These are typically slightly loose and infused with spandex, and at the last count, she had over 10 pair. During a recent clothes-shopping trip, she spotted a pair of yoga shorts that she immediately insisted that she needed. I persuaded her that, instead of paying $18 for yoga pants that were shorter than those that she had purchased earlier for around $3 each, she should cut the legs off of one of her many pairs. This plan was a success, and I was left with the pant legs. Having seen John Spain's brilliant idea, I proceeded to design a (stretchy) DS pants case of my own. This is with what I came up on Monday:

Yes, I went overboard. I ususally do with design papers and blueprints and such. It should be readable enough; it's hard to write with a broken pencil lead. Anyway, as you can see, it requires sewing, unlike Spain's. I was lucky enough to have a little experience in the field, and besides, the pant leg wasn't large enough for me to try out my fancy origami skills.
The next day, I happened to find enough free time to make it, so hereforthwith, I present a photographic record of its creation. (Hi-res pics here.)
This is the pant leg, trimmed up and ready to go:
And now, to hem the bottom edge:
I really, really suck at hemming.
First stitch: not so bad. My s3\/\/1n(_+ 5|<111z were coming back.
I had room, so I added one more pocket than my blueprint specified:
2 (stitches) + 2 (slanted cuts) = 3 (sad pockets).
At this point, though, the pockets sagged terribly when loaded:
I thought sewing down the sides might help. It didn't do much, though:
Oh well. The final product still looks pretty dang sweet:
OK, it's not really the final product; it still needs Velcro. I'll get to it soon.
I do the exact same thing when I start, namely beginning with over-complex blueprints.
If the pockets sagging bothers you, is there any way you could stitch stiffer fabric around the stretchy yoga pant matierial, thus making it into a lining?
Ooo...good idea. Still, it's not a very serious issue, but thanks.
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